140930 AKBINGO! 308 English Sub & Indonesian Sub
Still looking for the next normal center, a lot of things happen in this episode.
Don't miss the cute appeals from Paruru, Ryocchan and friends when they're wearing glasses. And also, don't miss some funny gags that can make you laugh out loud...
So, watch it !!
Subbed by : MAR
BC by : Naukoot
The subs are owned by MAR Subs and the video belongs to 48G and Nippon TV.
Feel free to contact me if you have any suggestion, question, or correction for me ^.^
Thank You...
Announcement : Started from today, I am looking for someone who want to join me subbing 48G variety show. If you're interested to join a 48G Fansub, this is your time. Go to this page for details.
Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu~
Don't miss the cute appeals from Paruru, Ryocchan and friends when they're wearing glasses. And also, don't miss some funny gags that can make you laugh out loud...
So, watch it !!
![]() |
She's cute, isn't she ? |
HardSub :
SoftSub :
Subbed by : MAR
BC by : Naukoot
Feel free to contact me if you have any suggestion, question, or correction for me ^.^
Thank You...
Announcement : Started from today, I am looking for someone who want to join me subbing 48G variety show. If you're interested to join a 48G Fansub, this is your time. Go to this page for details.
Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu~
cepet bener nih baru kemaren request hehe.. thanks banget MAR Subs :D
ReplyDeleteMaklumlah gan lagi liburan
ReplyDeletegk nahan nunggu hardsubnya gan...
ReplyDeletemoga" cepet kelar uploadnya
terima kasih min,seru akbingo nya. di tunggu akbingo yang lain nya.
ReplyDeletethank banget gan
ReplyDeleteterima kasih untuk karyanya
thanks gan... di tunggu ep lainnya ....
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ReplyDeleteini komen terimakasih ツ
ReplyDeleteterimakasih mar-san~~ ^_^
ReplyDeleteYupp, thanks udah download :D
ReplyDeleteryoochan kawaii banget <3
ReplyDeletepas banget screenshotnya mar-san XD
Ryocchan baru kelihatan kawaii-nya kalau pake kacamata :p
ReplyDeleteane bantuin bikin hardsub gan kalo boleh :D
ReplyDeleteWahh.... Thanks gan, kalau misalnya emang mau bantu hubungi aja ane langsung via e-mail ya :D
udah banyak aja fans lu.. hahaha
ReplyDeleteHelp people make you fell good
Bulan fans aku, tapi sesama fans :)
ijin share blog nya di forum idws ya
ReplyDeleteOkee, tapi linknya ke blog ya gan
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteSeenggaknya yaa kasih komentar lah hehehe
ReplyDeleteMin password nya apa?
ReplyDeletePasword nya min
ReplyDeleteSankyu min :)