Hello everyone! As we have started the Nogikoi Sub Project, we need more help to translate the Japanese subtitles. There are many Nogikoi episodes that have been released and most of them can be seen in this YouTube Channel . To fasten the release of subbed Nogikoi, we are now looking for as much people as possible to translate the timed Japanese subs. Anyway, we are not looking for long-term translator for now. You can participate in this project whenever you want to, so it is more like a freelance job offering. You will be given timed Japanese subtitle for the video that you want to work on in both .srt. and .ass format (only the .ass file that need to be translated). The timing and the Japanese text extraction has been done automatically by our program and I have to say that there might be a little errors in the results. We will also give you our translation standard so that you won't be confused with the errors and technical details. Here is a glimpse of the raw .ass file that ...